Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wolff Legacy

I am attempting a legacy (again!) with the Wolffs. I keep forgetting to take pictures, so please forgive the large lapses in time.  :oops:

This is Morgana with her first child Kala Wolff.

Kala Wolff celebrating her YA birthday. Kala is much like her
 mother--she loves art and music, and her family. She dreams
of mastering both painting and guitar skills. Kala is married to a
 journalist named Opie Fiddler and currently pregnant with her
second child.

Annada Wolff's YA birthday party. Annada is the middle child,
and she loves to cook and garden. She is already a culinary
librarian, and dreams of becoming a Master Chef.
The youngest, Valerie is pictured on the left.
Valerie has her sights set on a career in medicine.

The entire Wolff Pack, along with a few friends, cheers for the
birthday girl. Pictured from L to R are Morgana Wolff, daughter-
in-law Cassi Page, Thornton Wolff, son-in-law Opie Telford,
 Gunther Goth in background, a very pregnant Kala Telford,
Annada's boyfriend Blaise Tessla, and Henry Wolff.
I love that Kala and Cassi showed up to the party
in matching maternity swimwear!

Quillin Page, Morgana's eldest son and a loner, was late
coming to the celebration. He is an aspiring writer of sci-fi and
romance novels, and is married to Cassi. The two are expecting
 their first child. Cassi has a career in politics, but I wouldn't be
surprised if she became a journalist at some point in the future.

The Wolffs are a close-knit family, and celebrations require lots of
space for dining. Seated with the family are long-time friends
Geoffrey and Malcolm Landgraab. (Nancy and Cornelia were
having a private chat next to the pool.)

This is a shot of the inside of the Wolff's home during Annada's
birthday party.

Blaise proposed to Annada as soon as everyone finished their
cake. Since everyone was gathered already they had a quick
ceremony on the spot. The couple is now settled in their own
home and expecting their first child, Thornton and Morgana's
4th grandbaby. Blasie is a scientist and loves the outdoors. He
would like a big family, but Annada is more career driven.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog. I will have to finish reading it tomorrow. It's really late. You can also follow me on my blog at

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