Posting links to some of Twallan's mods! Because they are adult themed hacks?!??!!
OK...I guess I get that with Woohooer. Not really, but because it is about woohoo, I can at least stretch my mind around it. Yes, Woohooer gives your sims the ability to get paid for woohoo, but I generally ignore that feature and didn't even think about it. All I ever do with it is allow my sims to acquire skill in woohooing, and get moodlets related to woohoo. I guess I didn't think of that as an adult themed hack that would alter the game rating. Woohoo is already in the game...right?
But...Master Controller? It's an adult themed hack? Really? I guess there are a few things that could classify it as such (like the ability to end pregnancies and allow teens to woohoo and get pregnant) However, I have NEVER imagined that I would get banned for posting a link to Master Controller. Seriously. It does a million other things that have nothing to do with adult themes...but those three things make it an adult themed hack?
In my little mind, an adult themed hack would be a mod whose primary purpose is to allow nudity, the addition of physical characteristics to make our sims look male and female, pole dancing/stripping mod, etc. The Decensor mod allows nudity, but I didn't post a link to that. Hmmm.
So I guess you live and learn. And in the meantime...miss some really good deals in the Store. :-(